Consequences of Medicare Advantage for Beneficiaries and Politics: Revisiting The Delegated Welfare State, with Kimberly J. Morgan. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law forthcoming; published online February 28, 2025.
Policy Feedbacks and Medicaid on its 60th Anniversary. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 50; 2 (April 2025): 165-88.
Medicare Eligibility and Reported Support for Proposals to Expand Medicare, with Nolan Kavanagh and Adrianna McIntyre. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 331;10 (March 12, 2024): 882-84.
Civic Feedbacks: Linking Collective Action, Organizational Strategy, and Influence over Public Policy. 2022. With Hahrie Han and Elizabeth McKenna. Perspectives on Politics.
State Policy and Mental Health Outcomes Under COVID-19. 2021. With Michael Sances. Journal of Health Policy and Law 46 (5): 811-30.
The Social, Political, and Economic Effects of the Affordable Care Act: Introduction to the Issue. 2020. With Lara Shore-Sheppard. Russell Sage Foundation Journal 6 (2): 1-40.
The Affordable Care Act and Mass Policy Feedbacks. 2020. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 45 (4): 567-80.
Criminal Justice or Public Health? A Comparison of the Representation of the Crack Cocaine and Opioid Epidemics in the Media. 2020. With Carmel Shachar, Tess Wise, and Gali Katznelson. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 45 (2): 211-39.
Tax Designs and Tax Attitudes. 2018. The Forum 16 (3): 369-98.
Policy Feedbacks. 2018. Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science.
Understanding What Makes Americans Dissatisfied With Their Health Care System: An International Comparison. 2016. With Joachim Hero, Robert Blendon, and Alan Zaslavsky. Health Affairs 35 (3): 502-9.
Family Story as Political Science: Reflections on Writing Trapped in America's Safety Net. 2015. Perspectives on Politics 13 (4): 1043-52.
Reassessing the Conventional Wisdom: Entitlements from the Inside. 2015. The Forum ​13 (1): 105-18.
The Durability of Pierson's Theory about the Durability of the Welfare State. 2015. Symposium on the 20th anniversary of Paul Pierson's Dismantling the Welfare State, PS: Political Science & Politics 48 (2): 284-88.
Tax Attitudes in the Obama Era. 2014. Tax Law Review 67 (4): 647-68.
State Fiscal Policy During the Great Recession: Budgetary Impacts and Policy Responses. 2013. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 650 (1): 252-73.
JHPPL Workshop on Medicaid Fiscal and Governance Issues: Objectives and Themes. 2013. With Peter V. Long. Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law 38 (4): 841-44.
Policy Makes Mass Politics. 2012. Annual Review of Political Science 15: 333-51.
America the Undertaxed. 2012. Foreign Affairs: 99-112.
Policy Feedbacks and the Impact of Policy Designs on Public Opinion. 2011. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 36: 961-73.
The 10 Percent Solution: Why Progressives Can Stop Worrying and Love a Value-Added Tax. 2011. Democracy 19: 54-63.
Delegated Governance in the Affordable Care Act of 2010. 2011. With Kimberly J. Morgan. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 36: 387-91.
A Partisan Divide on the Uninsured. 2010. With Tara Sussman, John Benson, Robert Blendon, and Alan Zaslavsky. Health Affairs 29: 706-11.
The Public's Role in Winner-Take-All Politics. 2010. Politics & Society 38: 227-32.
Is the Economic Crisis Driving Wedges between Young and Old? Rich and Poor? 2009. Generations 33: 47-53.
Will Americans Support the Individual Mandate? 2009. With Tara Sussman and Robert Blendon. Health Affairs 28: W501-9.
"Racial Threat," Partisan Climate, and Direct Democracy: Contextual Effects in Three California Initiatives. 2006. With Cara Wong and Jack Citrin. Political Behavior 28: 129-50.
Financing the Welfare State: Elite Politics and the Decline of the Social Insurance Model in America. 2005. With Kimberly Morgan. Studies in American Political Development 19: 173-95.
Federalism and the Politics of Old-Age Care in Germany and the United States. 2005. With Kimberly Morgan. Comparative Political Studies 38: 887-914.
Participatory Reactions to Policy Threats: Senior Citizens and the Defense of Social Security and Medicare. 2003. Political Behavior 25: 29-49.
Self-Interest, Social Security, and the Distinctive Participation Patterns of Senior Citizens. 2002. American Political Science Review 96: 565-74.​
COVID-19 and National Public Health Cultures. 2022. With Tess Wise, Gali Katznelson, and Carmel Shachar. In COVID-19 and the Law: Disruption, Impact, and Legacy, edited by I. Glenn Cohen, Abbe Gluck, Katherine Kraschel, and Carmel Shachar. Cambridge University Press.
Public Opinion and Public Policy. 2019. With Elizabeth Rigby. In New Directions in Public Opinion, 3rd ed., edited by Adam J. Berinsky. Routledge.
Social Policy and Civic Participation. 2016. In Resources, Engagement, and Recruitment: New Advances in the Study of Civic Voluntarism, edited by Casey A. Klofstad. Temple University Press.
Independence and Freedom: Public Opinion and the Politics of Medicare and Medicaid. 2015. In Medicare and Medicaid at Fifty, edited by Keith Wailoo, Alan Cohen, Julian Zelizer, and David Colby. Oxford University Press.
Public Opinion and Public Policy. 2019. With Elizabeth Rigby. In New Direction in Public Opinion, 2nd ed., edited by Adam J. Belinsky. Routledge.
Social Security, the Great Recession, and the "Entitlements Problem". 2014. In The New Politics of Old Age Policy, 3rd ed., edited by Robert Hudson. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Delegated Governance in Health Policy. 2014. With Kimberly J. Morgan. In Health Politics and Policy, 5th ed., edited Jim Morone and Dan Ehlke. Cengage.
The Health Care Case in the Public Mind: Opinion on the Supreme Court and Health Reform in a Polarized Era. 2013. With Nathaniel Persily. In The Health Care Case: The Supreme Court's Decision and Its Implications, edited by Nathaniel Persily, Gillian Metzger, and Trevor Morrison. Oxford University Press.
Constituencies and Public Opinion. 2013. With Michael W. Sances. In Oxford Handbook of Social Policy, edited by Daniel Béland, Christopher Howard, and Kimberly Morgan. Oxford University Press.
Public Opinion and Public Policy. 2011. In New Directions in Public Opinion, edited by Adam J. Berinsky. Routledge.
Paying America's Way: The Fraught Politics of Taxes, Investments, and Budgetary Responsibility. 2011. In Reaching for a New Deal: Ambitious Governance, Economic Meltdown, and Polarized Politics in Obama's First Two Years, edited by Theda Skocpol and Larry Jacobs. Russell Sage.
Politics and Aging in the United States. 2010. With Robert H. Binstock. In Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences, 7th ed., edited by Robert H. Binstock and Linda K. George. Elsevier.
Social Security: Political Resilience in the Face of Conservative Strides. 2010. With Ryan King. In The New Politics of Old-Age Policy, 2nd ed., edited by Robert Hudson. Johns Hopkins University Press.
What Americans Think of Taxes. 2009. In The New Fiscal Sociology, edited by Monica Prasad, Isaac Martin, and Ajay Mehrotra. New York: Cambridge University Press.
A New Macropolitics of Aging? The Case of the USA, Older Voters, and AARP. 2009. In Altern, Familie, Zivilgesellshaft und Politik (Aging, Family, Civil Society, Politics), edited by Jürgen Kocka, Martin Kohli, and Wolfgang Streeck. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
Universalism, Targeting, and Participation. 2007. In Remaking America: Democracy and Public Policy in an Age of Inequality, edited by Joe Soss, Jacob S. Hacker, and Suzanne Mettler. Russell Sage Foundation.
Parties, Electoral Participation, and Shifting Voting Blocs. 2007. In The Transformation of American Politics: Activist Government and the Rise of Conservatism, edited by Paul Pierson and Theda Skocpol. Princeton University Press.
Immigration and California Politics. 2005. With Jack Citrin. In Governing the Golden State: Politics, Government and Public Policy in California, 2nd ed., edited by Gerald C. Lubenow and Bruce E. Cain. IGS Press.
Review essay featuring Fixing Social Security: The Politics of Reform in a Polarized Age by R. Doug Arnold, Political Science Quarterly, published online August 2024.
Review of Administrative Burden: Policymaking by Other Means by Pamela Herd and Donald P. Moynihan. 2021. American Journal of Sociology 127 (1).
Why the U.S. Tax System is So Complicated - But Americans Are Proud to Pay Taxes Anyway. 2018. With Vanessa Williamson. Monkey Cage, Washington Post.
The Republican tax bill will make it harder for states and cities to pay their bills. 2017. Monkey Cage, Washington Post.
Trump's Tax Plan for the One Percent. 2017. Foreign Affairs.
Review of White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America by Joan C. Williams. 2017. Harvard Magazine.
The Siren Song of the Flat Tax. 2015. Op-Ed with Vanessa Williamson. The Morning Consult.
Has Child Care Policy Finally Come of Age? 2015. The American Prospect 25 (2): 122-24.
Review of Caring for Our Own: Why There is No Political Demand for New American Social Welfare Rights by Sandra R. Levitsky. 2015. American Journal of Sociology 120 (6).
The Substance of Policy Areas and Representation: Some Observations about Social Policy and Tax Policy. 2014. The Democracy Papers.
Review of The Underserving Rich: American Beliefs about Inequality, Opportunity, and Redistribution by Leslie McCall. 2014. Public Opinion Quarterly 78 (1): 194-96.
2012 NORC Presidential Election Study Research Highlights. 2012. With Mark Hansen and Stephen Ansolabehere.
America's Low Taxes in Comparative Perspective. 2012. Scholars Strategy Network Key Findings.
America the Politically Unequal: Review of The Unheavenly Chorus by Kay Lehman Schlozman, Sidney Verba, and Henry E. Brady. 2012. Harvard Magazine.
Il a démocratisé l'assurance maladie. 2012. Alternatives Internationales 56: 30-1.
The Future of U.S. Healthcare. 2012. Boston Review.
Will Time Heal Health Care Wounds? 2012. Solicited New York Times Campaign Stops blog post.
Down the Insurance Rabbit Hole. 2012. Op-ed, New York Times.
Cited by Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her concurring opinion in the Supreme Court's ruling on the Affordable Care Act, NFIB v. Sebelius, June 28, 2012
Using the Private Sector to Deliver Public Benefits. 2012. With Kimberly J. Morgan. Scholars Strategy Network Key Findings.
How Social Security Encourages Older Americans to be Active Citizens. 2012. Scholars Strategy Network Key Findings.
Why Seniors Like Traditional Medicare. 2011. Solicited Op-Ed for New York Times Room for Debate discussion.
What the Social Security Experience Tells Us about Taxes Americans Can Embrace. 2010. Scholars Strategy Network paper.
​Review of Class War? What Americans Really Think about Economic Inequality by Benjamin I. Page and Lawrence R. Jacobs. 2010. Public Opinion Quarterly 74 (3): 590-93.
Book Forum Review of Reforms at Risk: What Happens after Major Policy Changes Are Enacted by Eric Patashnik. 2010. Journal of Policy History 22: 256-61.
Whose "Gray Power"? Elderly Votes, Elderly Lobbies, and Welfare Reform in Italy and the US. 2000. With Julia F. Lynch. Italian Politics and Society 53.
The Non-distinctiveness of Senior Voters in the 2004 Election. 2005. Public Policy and Aging Report 15 (1): 3-6.
Review of The Political Life of Medicare by Jonathan Oberlander. 2004. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law 29: 1238-41.
Down Goes Their Clout: The New Medicare Law Could Leave the AARP Toothless and the Elderly Upstaged by Business Lobbies. 2003. With Theda Skocpol. Newsday: A28-29.
Intellectual Biography of Henry E. Brady. 2002. American Political Scientist: A Dictionary, 2nd ed., edited by Charles Lockhart and Glenn Utter. Greenwood Press.